To: protein-analysis at
From: Neal Melvin <nrmelvin at>
Subject: Membrane protein isolation for western blotting
Date sent: Sun, 24 Jan 1999 20:19:45 -0700
> Is there a way to selectively isolate/precipitate membrane proteins
> prior to western blotting??
Check out the paper by Molloy et a, 1998 in Electrophoresis 19:837-844
(Extraction of membrane proteins by differential solubilization for separation
using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis).
The method works very well, and you could use it (or modify) for standard 1D
gels also.
Amanda Nouwens
Australian Proteome Analysis Facility (APAF)
Macquarie University
Sydney, NSW 2109
Tel: 02 9850 6209
Fax: 02 9850 6200
Email: anouwens at