modified amino acids

Tue Jan 19 17:30:37 EST 1999

On Mon, 18 Jan 1999, l.r.cooper asked:
i'm looking for a database, though even a table would suffice, of modified
amino acids. any suggestions?

The RESID Database of amino acid residues annotated as features in the Protein
Sequence Database has been distributed with the PIR-International Protein
Sequences Databases on CD-ROM for several years.  In September 1998, thanks
to the support of the National Science Foundation, the RESID Database was
made available on the Web through
with a description available at
The current release 16.00 has 253 entries.  The database includes naturally
occurring post-translation modifications, along with the 22 different encoded
residues, that have been identified in sequences.  A number of other residues
found in the old CRC list had been detected in hydolysates but have never
been identified in sequences.
                                 Dr. John S. Garavelli
                                 Associate Director
                                 Protein Information Resource
                                 National Biomedical Research Foundation
                                 Washington, DC  20007
                                 GARAVELLI at NBRF.GEORGETOWN.EDU

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