
Søren W. Rasmussen swr at crc.dk
Mon Feb 1 09:47:43 EST 1999

Revision 269 is now available and can be downloaded
from the DNATools home page:


This revision includes an updated/improved blast
mail search function letting you complete the
search/annotation of you sequences by automatically
retrieving and inserting data base entries into the
sequence header.

The headers can now be searched for blast 'Expect'
values or for free text. The entire header or specified
sections hereof can be searched separately.

The merge editor has been refined and now displays
the name of and position in the sequence under
the cursor.

The context sensitive help has been updated.



Dr. scient. Søren W. Rasmussen
Carlsberg Laboratory, Department of Physiology
10 Gl. Carlsbergvej, DK-2500, Copenhagen, Denmark
Phone  45 3327 5230 / 45 3616 2259, Fax 45 3327 4766
E-mail swr at crc.dk, Homepage http://www.crc.dk/phys/

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