Mistress Krista wrote:
>> pathos <pathos at freerealtime.com> wrote in message
> news:pathos-1612990938340001 at pelli.pathology.pitt.edu...> > In article <3857B780.36DA at erols.com>, Stuart Dunn <dunns99 at erols.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > > If you're a biochemist, why do you still believe in "incomplete"
> > > proteins. Go get a calorie counter and a brain.
> >
> > Staurt you stupid piece of shit. I am a biochemist/molecular pathologist
> > and I have read what you have written and I have gone out of my way to
> > discuss things with you but now you have gone too far (John may not flame
> > you becuase he is probably a polite guy but I am a rude bastard). You are
> > a stupid person not an ignorant one. I say this because you have been
> > given the opportunity in learning something yet you have choose not to.
> > That makes you stupid.
> > If you continue to post to this newsgroup, bionet.molbio.proteins, and do
> > not offer scientific evidence, NOT THE PROPAGANDA of vegitarian sites,
> > then I will continue to flame your lame ass.
> >
> > Peter " the rude one" Pediaditakis
>> <cheers and applause>
> Hey, Peter, why restrict yourself to bionet.molbio.proteins? You'd fit
> right in on misc.fitness.weights. :)
Please also consider being a regular on sci.med.nutrition
Some of us here try hard to live up to our name as a sci. ng
Tom Matthews
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