<murphyac at my-deja.com> wrote in message news:83mi0f$ovr$1 at nnrp1.deja.com...
> Please, please, please stop cross-posting this thread to bionet.molbio.
> proteins. Bionet.molbio.proteins is a *technical* newsgroup, where
> scientists who work with proteins discuss methods of synthesis,
> isolation, purification, quantitation and analysis of proteins. This
> continuing argument about nutritional values does not belong in that
> newsgroup. According to dejanews, there are now 144 posts in the
> thread, and they far outnumber the technical posts. Please, stop the
> cross-posts.
> Angela C. Murphy, peptide chemist
Most newreaders allow you to ignore entire threads. I do find it
interesting to note that you didn't take the effort to remove
bionet.molbio.proteins as you were crossposting as well.
- Tommy