Hello all,
During enzymatic deglycosylation (in the native state) with EndoF, I
loose over 50% of my protein in the form of precipitate. I know that
removal of carbohydrates will reduce the solubility of proteins, and I
was wondering if high concentrations of NaCl during deglycosylation will
help maintain the protein in solution and not affect the
endoglycosidase. I use EndoF2, and deglycosylate at 4C overnight at pH
* Dr. James Fethiere *
* MPI-Medical Research Int'l Tel: +49-6221-486154 *
* Ion Channel Structure Group Int'l Fax: +49-6221-486437 *
* Jahnstrasse 29 email: james at mpimf-heidelberg.mpg.de *
* 69120, Heidelberg *
* Germany *
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