Essential amino acid requirements

John Gohde johnhgohde at worldnet.att.net
Sat Dec 18 01:52:12 EST 1999

Tom Matthews <tomatth at internet.look.ca> wrote in message

> Am I the only one who has noticed that the level of discourse on this
> newsgroup (smn) is at an all-time low?

> That is a really asinine answer!

> Do you really need to say that?

> Please learn some facts before answering!

First of all, I replied to your post and your post is cross posted to
several newsgroups and not just to smn.

No I have not noticed it.  It could be your testy attitude, as documented by
your above comments.

It certainly is NOT due to me.  I started an interesting thread on cancer.
I don't recall you participating.  I started an interesting thread on
tomatoes.  I don't recall you participating.  I started an interesting
thread on vegetarianism. I don't recall you participating.  I started an
interesting thread on how the body only requires a maximum of 15% protein
(under normal circumstances) for both athletes and sedentary people (which
was documented by 4 different abstracts).  But, once again you did NOT

I leave you with the following maxim:  Perception is Reality.

This newsgroup ain't broken, but your perception of smn is.

John Gohde,
Natural Health Advocate of the Healing Power of Nature

Get your health questions answered from the Natural Health Perspective at:

I am a Natural Health Advocate of pro-active approaches to preventing
"Diseases of Civilization," promoting Optimum Health, and Longevity. The
primary causes of ill health are faulty living habits. A proper lifestyle
and patience will prevent, or correct, all nutritional deficiencies and
Health Conditions. When your health fails, I will suggest an appropriate
Natural Health Protocol.

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