Bradford protein determination; calibration curve

Ed Ralph e.ralph at *remove*biotech.cam.ac.uk
Fri Dec 17 10:34:05 EST 1999

P. Oranje wrote in message
> At the moment I am purifing peroxidase from horseradish
> roots. Protein determination is performed according to
> Bradford's assay. Can someone tell me what the general
> mathematical formula is that describes the correlation
> between protein concentration and extinction best when
> using Bradford's assay for protein determination ?

What are you using to calibrate your protein concentrations?  Why not use
Horseradish peroxidase, that you have bought from Sigma!  I guess that might
defeat the object.  By extinction - do you mean absorbance?  Or extinction
coefficient?  There is A=e c l, where A is absorbance of sample, e is the
molar extinction coefficient, c is concentration and l is pathlength...
Beer Lambert I think it is called...

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