pH-like effect of Calcium on acidic residues

pathos pathos at freerealtime.com
Thu Dec 16 10:19:58 EST 1999

In article <38590E9C.A8A52CAA at bioch.ox.ac.uk>, zurdo at bioch.ox.ac.uk wrote:

> What I'm interesting in are specific effects of
> Ca2+, similar to conformational changes already reported for some proteins
> (specific for Ca2+ and/or Mg2+), and related to the shielding of glutamic
> acid mainly.

Look up the work of a David Deerfield.  He is a physical chemist at the
Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center.  He specializes in the interactions of
Divalent metals in protein structures.  His work can be found at

Peter Pediaditakis

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