pathos wrote:
>> In article <3857DA76.4BC7 at>, Stuart Dunn <dunns99 at> wrote:
>> > pathos wrote:
> > >
> > > In article <3856CAB0.7F70 at>, Stuart Dunn <dunns99 at> wrote:
> > >
> > > > So why do Eskimo women, who ate an average of 350 grams of animal
> > > > protein a day, had ate fish livers, refrained from using alcohol or
> > > > caffeine, got plenty of excercise, and got over 2000mg a day from bone
> > > > meal have the highest rates of osteoperosis in the world?
> > >
> > > HOLY SHIT, where to start????????
> > > 1. Eskimo women are exposed to far faR fAR FAR less sunlight then others.
> > That doesn't matter. Eskimos eat fish livers, which are the main
> > commercial source of vitamin D3. In effect, they were using dietary
> > supplements that included vitamin D and omega 3.
>> When you use the term D3 are you refering to: previtamin D3, 1,25-OH-D3,
> 25-(OH)-D3, 24,25-(OH)-D3. The potent form of vitamin D3 is 1,25-(OH)2-D3
> and it has a halflife of about 0.25 days. That means that it must be
> replinished daily. This also means that (I assume that the eskimos do not
> fish in the middle of winter, the 1,25-(OH)2-D3 in the previously caught
> fish will have degraded. The vitamin D3 that is normally found in the
> liver is 25-(OH)-D3 is a precurssor molecule and it is converted to
> 1,25-(OH)2-D3 which is the real calcium regulator.
>> I will repeat: GET A PHYSIOLOGY BOOK.
> >
> > > If you would have taken my suggestion and get a PHYSIOLOGY BOOK you would
> > > have known why this is important. I will give you a hint: "vitamin D
> > > conversion in the skin".
> > > 2. Eskimos are a very isolated population. The fact that they do not mix
> > > there DNA much with others (and has been this way for 1000s of years), it
> > > is safe to say that if they have genetic abnormalities, it will show up in
> > Let's use a little common sense here. Eskimos must have evolved to adapt
> > to their diet. You're suggeting just the opposite. How do you think
> > their bodies maintain the pH level of their urine without calcium?
>> 1) Eskimos did not evolve. The genes necessary for survival were
> selected. The eskimos with the good genes (whatever genes they are)
> survived the eskimos without those genes perished and did not breed to
> pass the bad genes on.
> Think about it this way: Do you think that the giraffe adpted to reach the
> leaves on the top of the tree? answer NO.
I did not mean to imply that individual eskimos evolved. All I meant is
that those who couldn't survive and reproduce in a severely cold
environment with a total lack of plant food and a scarcity of animal
food died, and therefore couldn't spread their genes.
The giraffes that were born
> with mutations to the develomental genes that allowed for some to have
> taller necks were born and without competition for food because they and
> only they could reach the top of the trees, they thrived and were able to
> pass their genes with nutations and all on to the next generation. the
> short neck giraffes died off from starvation.
>> 2) Calcium levels have nothing to do with pH of the urine.
They do effect the pH level of urine. The breakdown of protein produces
acids which are then excreted through the urine. Since the pH level of
urine must be maintained, the body excretes more calcium in the urine.
Cysteine and Methionine are the amino acids that increase calcium loss
when consumed to excess, and most people get lots of these two amino
acids from nonvegan foods. I did find some interesting information on
protein, and I'll post it sometime today.
>> Peter Pediaditakis