Essential amino acid requirements

Tom Matthews tomatth at internet.look.ca
Thu Dec 16 10:01:51 EST 1999

Stuart Dunn wrote:
> Tom Matthews wrote:
> >
> > Am I the only one who has noticed that the level of discourse on this
> > newsgroup (smn) is at an all-time low?
> >
> > "Siemel B. Naran" wrote:

> > > If you eat twice as much soy, you get twice as much of every amino acid.
> > > Which means too much protein, and therefore lots of work on your kidneys
> > > to get rid of the excess protein/nitrogen.
> >
> > "Lots of work" does not equal health problems or too much protein!
> > It has never been shown that high protein diets harm healthy kidneys.
> > Please learn some facts before answering!

> Actually, I have. Protein intakes far above 100g increase the risk of
> kidney failure,

This (smn) is a science newsgroup.
Statements by newcomers (and mostly also oldtimers) must be supported by
references to primary literature or primary literature references texts,
to be acceptable.

> and certain types of protein, such as egg white protein
> and casein, increase the amount of calium that is removed from the
> bloodstream by the kidneys. In extreme cases, this causes kidney stones.
> If that calcium that is lost is not properly replaced (from milk,
> calcium pills, or food), osteoperosis will result.

References please! So that it can be fully dissected, discussed and
repudiated or accepted.
Again, such statements per se, are not acceptable here.

> > > >Some foods are heavier in sources than others. Since I want to rely largely
> > > >on soy sources for protein for the time being,
> >
> > It is unwise to rely on single or even restricted numbers of sources of
> > all vital nutrients.

> That's true. A healthy diet contains both starchy and nonstarchy
> vegetables,

Why? Since when have starchy vegetables been "essential", and who has
proven them even "necessary" for optimal health.

> sweet raw fruits,

> grains, moderate amounts of bread and pasta,

Same question as above!
I don't eat any of these for long periods of time and I am extremely

> > and a reliable source of active vitamin B12.

Which many vegans do not have.

> > > >I'm trying to find vegan
> > > >foods which are balanced in favor of lysine, methionine, threonine and
> > > >tryptophan to make up the difference. Peas and lentils are supposedly
> > > >heavier in these, so the combination of peas and soy protein may result in
> > > >something like whey's balance.
> >
> > No, the sulfur containing amino acids (methionine/cysteine) will still
> > be limiting.

> Last I heard, most people are actually getting too much sulpher.

You might be more believable if you spelled sulfur correctly.
Two mistakes in one word is a bit much.
However, perhaps you from the UK which spells it "sulphur".

> > Grains are what you need to balance beans/legumes.
> Read my other response.

Why should I. I have not yet seen you bring evidence to bear.

> > > Grains are high in methionine, and maybe the others.  So wheat cereal and
> > > soy milk is probably a good choice.  I use tofu in my spaghetti (because
> > > it tastes good to me), and this might be balance too because tofu is soy
> > > and sphaghetti is grain.
> >
> > Now you are talking.
> > But is it still nowhere as good an amino acid profile as
> > fish/meat/dairy/whole egg is.

> And it doesn't have to be. Current recommendations for protein intake
> are more than twice as high as most people need.

You are spouting the party line and again where is your proof.
IMO, there is good evidence that more than RDA amounts of protein are
needed for optimal health.

Tom Matthews
The LIFE EXTENSION FOUNDATION - http://www.lef.org - 800-544-4440 
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