pathos wrote:
>> In article <3856A9F1.C068C0A8 at>, Bill R <dejagod at> wrote:
>> > This would be apparent to anyone capable of even
> > a modicum of thought.
>> Actually, I was refering to his first statement of fact.
>> Stuart Dunn said:
> > > Protein intakes far above 100g increase the risk of
> > > kidney failure, and certain types of protein, such as egg white protein
> > > and casein, increase the amount of calium that is removed from the
> > > bloodstream by the kidneys.
>> All subsequent statements were based on this and I find it highly dubious
> to say the least. This statement seems like it could be substaintiated.
>> Peter
Go to the Paleolithic diet page and follow the links on milk. Almost any
website geared toward vegetarians will give the same information.
Actually, if you read the American Dietetic Association's position
paper, they do question the protein myth, and if you skim through a
calorie counter that lists amino acids you will find that only a few
foods (like oil and sugar) are actually missing any.