Essential amino acid requirements

Tom Matthews tomatth at internet.look.ca
Mon Dec 13 23:11:21 EST 1999

Stuart Dunn wrote:
> River Mouse wrote:
> >
> > I'm reading that without an adequate balance of the eight essential amino
> > acids, the body is incapable of synthesizing tissue from protein. Instead,
> > surplus protein is reduced to simpler proteins for synthesizing
> > non-essential amino acids and/or converted to glucose and potentially to
> > fat.
> >
> > Another poster suggested that an excessive surplus could also result in the
> > formation of ill-defined muscle with the potential to break down more
> > easily. (Bulky versus lean muscle).
> >
> > What ratio are the eight essential proteins needed in? Do these ratios
> > change in repairing muscles under extreme duress, i.e. in weightlifting?
> >
> > Where can I find reference for the levels of the essential amino acids
> > contained in common foods? My particular interest is in vegan foods.
> It's not the ratios you need to be concerned with, it's the amounts. As
> a rule of thumb, anyone eating at least 45 grams of protein a day from
> sources other than gelatin and watermelon is safe, even if they have
> active lifestyles. Except for sweets and greasy foods, all commonly
> eaten vegan foods have "complete" proteins. Go to Walton Feed's website.
> It has more details.

Stuart, since you obviously do not know what you are talking about,
would you please stop jumping in to answer questions with highly
incorrect answers!

This is a science newsgroup, not a rumor mill!

Please lurk for a while, read some texts, and solidify and correct your
knowledge for a while instead of leading innocent people astray.

Tom Matthews
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