
Rich Dudley rdudley+ at pitt.edu
Wed Aug 18 07:42:32 EST 1999

The beads won't run through the gel--they're too big, and will remain in
the well of the stack.  The proteins not covalently bound will
electrophorese off them, though.  I just wash them, boil them in SDS-PAGE
buffer, load and run.


Neal Melvin wrote:

> After performing an IP, do you run the actual beads themselves through
> the gel?? Or is there a step that strips the protein A/G and bound
> antibody/antigen off the beads, and the resulting supernatant is run
> through the gel???

--- --- --- -- -- -- --- --- ---
Richard J. Dudley (rdudley+ at pitt.edu)
Research Specialist V
Dept. of Cell Biology and Physiology
University of Pittsburgh
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