nuclear protein isolation

Rowena Johnson JohnsonRJ at cardiff.ac.uk
Fri May 29 07:03:14 EST 1998


I want to isolate nuclear proteins from whole tissue (specifically heart muscle) but without any 
major disruption. I am used to making nuclear extracts from cell cultures by a modified version 
of Dignam et al but have not been able to find a technique to isolate nuclear proteins from whole 
tissue. In particular I want to isolate NF-kB which is very sensitive to stress and am therefore 
looking for the most gentle method available for this.

I would be most grateful to anyone who has any ideas on the matter,

Rowena Johnson

Dr Rowena Johnson
Department of Cardiology,
Tenovus Building,
University of Wales 
College of Medicine,
Heath Park,

Phone: 01222 744518

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