RNA oligos

Robin Lee Tremblay a69rlt at morgan.ucs.mun.ca
Wed May 27 09:28:36 EST 1998

Has anyone heard of a place where you can get RNA oligos synthesized? Is
this even possible? I'd like to do some electrophoretic mobility shift
assays using RNA instead of DNA, but would rahter not have to try and
isolate and purify a specific RNA myself. 

I was also wondering if anyone had any tried and true protocols for the
EMSA - I'm trying to decide on an approach for the experiment. 

Thanks in advance


Robin Tremblay				|	ooo	ooo
a69rlt at morgan.ucs.mun.ca		|	o o	o o 	
Department of Biochemistry		|	ooo	ooo   
Memorial University of Newfoundland	|     \		    /
(709)-737-2538				|	\	  /
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