Postdoctoral and Research Assistant Positions

Paulo Ferreira ferreira at POST.ITS.MCW.EDU
Mon May 25 13:10:34 EST 1998

      Applications for postdoctoral and research assistant positions are=
 immediately available in my laboratory. Candidates should be highly=
 motivated and have good expertise in molecular biology, biochemistry and/or=
 cell biology techniques. Candidates with experience in yeast two-hybrid=
 system and/or general protein chemistry are particularly attractive.

       Current work underway in the laboratory focus on studying biogenic=
 steps of G- protein coupled receptors and phosphoinositide signaling in=
 neuronal cells. We have been particularly interested in investigating i)=
 the molecular mechanisms underlying the function of a new neuronal=
 signaling pathway mediated by a novel PI-phospholipase C (e.g. Ferreira, P.=
 et al. (1994). J. Biol. Chem., 269, 3129; Ferreira, P. et  al. (1993) Proc.=
 Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 90, 6042) and, ii) the molecular machinery involved=
 in the intracellular processing and  trafficking of homologous G-protein=
 coupled receptors in highly polarized neuronal cells (e.g. Ferreira et al.=
 (1998), J. Biol. Chem. submitted; Ferreira, P. et al. (1997)  Proc. Natl.=
 Acad. Sci. USA, 94, 1556; Ferreira, P. et al. (1996) Nature 383, 637;=
 Ferreira, P. et al. (1995) J. Biol. Chem. 270, 23179).  In addition, we are=
 using our studies as a model system to study widespread homologous=
 molecular mechanisms in other biological systems and understand the=
 molecular pathogenesis underlying certain inherited neurological disorders=
 in humans which ultimately lead to the degeneration of selective neurons in=
 the CNS. The laboratory and institution are equipped with state-of-art=
 facilities and operate in an outstanding research environment. The=
 prospective candidate is expected to participate in campus-wide interactive=
 programs such as seminars and ultimately, present his\her research results=
 at international meetings and publish in top-rated scientific journals. =
 Salary is based on experience and NIH guidelines.

       Candidates with an overall interest in neurobiology are invited to=
 apply and should send their CV, summary of their past research experience=
 and future goals, and three reference letters directly to:

Paulo A. Ferreira, Ph.D.

Medical College of Wisconsin

Pharmacology Department

8701 Watertown Plank Road

Milwaukke, WI 53226

Phone: 414-456-8877

Fax: 414-456-6545; =20

Email: ferreira at post.its.mcw.edu

<bold><color><param>0000,0000,8080</param>Paulo A. Ferreira, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

</color></bold><color><param>8080,0000,0000</param>Medical College of

Pharmacology Department

8701 Watertown Plank Road

Milwaukee, WI 53226

FAX: 414-456-6370 // -6545=20

Phone: 414-456-8877 // -8267; Lab: -8043</color>

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