Amino Acid Sequences of Lipases/Esterases

giessauf giessauf at glvt.tu-graz.ac.at
Wed May 13 11:54:07 EST 1998


    I have a problem to find to amino acid sequenes

    of following enzymes:
    lipase from Apergillus niger

    esterase from Horse liver

    esterase from Mucor miehei

    esterase from Porcine liver
    I have already tried a search with SWISS-PROT


    without success. FLUKA sells these enzymes but I was

    informed by them that they have also performed a literature

    search without good results (literature till 1990).

    I have performed a search with Science Citation Index - but

    it is very time consuming to get all publications to check

    for the sequences (or to find the references for these sequences)    
    Who can help me to find out if this proteins have already

    been sequenced ? If you know a good sequence database please

    inform me or send me one of these sequences by e-mail.

			Best regards,

			Andreas Gießauf, PhD
                        Institut für therm.Verfahrenstechnik
                        TU Graz, AUSTRIA
                        e-mail:GIESSAUF at GLVT.TU-GRAZ.AC.AT

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