Free Protein Manager Software Demo

Victor Graziano vic at acdlabs.com
Fri May 8 09:20:27 EST 1998

Dear Colleagues

        Advanced Chemistry Development Inc. (ACD), a leader in
Cheminformatics software, has just released Protein Manager, the newest
member of its extensive software family.  This Bioinformatics software
package, coupled with the Swissprot, Prosite, PIR, PDB, ACD Restriction
Enzyme and (soon to follow)  ACD Regulatory Protein Databases, will
dramatically accelerate protein research and peptide drug discovery.

        ACD/Protein Manager is built around a three-in-one functionality
concept which  provides all the necessary features to Analyze, Publish (Web
& Desktop) and Manage protein sequence data.  Software operation is easy,
simply load candidate proteins into the Protein Manager 'protein workbook'
and perform a multitude of functions including:

-Isoelectric point determination
-Batch Phys-Chem property predictions
-Protein secondary structure prediction (including the newest Predator
prediction method)
-Multiple protein alignments with consensus matching
-Enzymatic digestion of selected proteins (utilizing ACD's enzyme database)
-Protein scale determination (hydrophobicity, polarity, bulkiness...)
-3D viewing of all available Protein Database (PDB) files

        More information outlining Protein Manager's functionality, along
with a software demo, short product video and future software releases (ACD
Regulatory peptide DB or ACD/Gene Manager) are available at:


	Please feel free to contact myself or any of the other ACD representatives
for further information regarding Protein Manager or any of the other ACD
software titles.


Victor Graziano B.Sc., M.Sc.
Advanced Chemistry Development, Inc.
Account Manager (Biochemistry)
T: (416) 368-3435
F: (416) 368-5596
US & Canada: (800) 304-3988

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