On Sat, 02 May 1998 19:30:13 -0400, Vadim Tsvetnitsky
<vadtsvet at julian.uwo.ca> wrote:
>I always thought that Nonidet P40 and Triton X-100 are in fact different
>trademark names of the same detergent. Now I found couple of protocols
>for cell lysis which call for both NP40 and TX-100, each at 1% conc.
>Now I started wondering, may be I was wrong all the time? Could anyone
>shed some light on this?
>Vadim Tsvetnitsky (vadtsvet at julian.uwo.ca)
>London Regional Cancer Centre
>790 Commissioners Road East
>London, Ontario
>FAX 519-685-8616
>Phone 519-685-8300 ext 3331
Triton X-100 and NP40 are in fact similar from their chemical
structure but still there is a difference; NP40 has a methyl group
that is missing in tritonx100.
Martin Offterdinger
Internal Med.I,Dept. Oncology
University of Vienna
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