Staff Scientist-Genetics Institute, Cambridge MA

Mark Stahl mstahl at genetics.com
Wed May 6 06:25:58 EST 1998

STAFF SCIENTIST-Genetics Institute, Cambridge, MA

A staff scientist is sought to join a group dedicated to purifying
and characterizing  recombinant proteins for structural determination
by X-ray crystallography and multi-dimensional NMR.  This group is
part of a team which is developing new drugs through structure-based

Candidates must have a Ph. D. in biochemistry or molecular biology
with 2-6 years of postdoctoral experience.  Preference will be given
to candidates who have experience in homology modeling and are
interested in protein structure/function.  Good communication and
team skills in a multidisciplinary environment of molecular
biologists, biochemists, biophysicists, and chemists are required. 

Please respond by sending your resume to mstahl at genetics.com

Mark Stahl, Ph.D.
Senior Scientist
Genetics Institute, Inc.
85 Bolton St.
Cambridge, MA  02140

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