Post-doc in Philly

Charles Brenner brenner at dada.jci.tju.edu
Tue May 5 14:24:30 EST 1998

My laboratory has immediate funded openings for motivated post-docs who
are interested in working in a multidisciplinary environment to unravel
the function of a new superfamily of nucleotide-binding proteins.  The
proteins in question are Hint and Fhit and the methods employed range
from X-ray crystallography to enzymology to yeast genetics.  Interested
candidates should send a letter of interest and include a publication
list and the contact numbers for three referees.
Charles Brenner                        Laboratory of Protein Structure
Assistant Professor                              and Cellular Function
Kimmel Cancer Institute                           phone (215) 503-4573
Thomas Jefferson University                         fax (215) 923-2117
233 S 10th St., rm. 826                mailto:brenner at dada.jci.tju.edu
Philadelphia, PA 19107         http://asterix.jci.tju.edu/brenner.html

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