
Leonard Pattenden ddlpatte at mailbox.uq.edu.au
Mon Mar 30 18:04:11 EST 1998

On Mon, 30 Mar 1998, Markus Zettl wrote:

> What´s the difference between proteases and proteinases?
> Could anyone tell me basic needs for proteinases?
> Thank´s
> 	Markus Zettl

No difference. Proteinase is the proper term, but protease has become a
widely accepted alternative. Didn't your textbook say this?

Have a day!			  3D Centre for Drug Design & Development
Len...				  University of Queensland 4072.
              /          \
             |            |              "Mmmmm.....Beer."
             |            |              
             |      __   __)                 - Homer.
             |     /  \ /  \
            /\/\  (o   )o   )
            /      \__/ --.              "My parents went to Zaire
           (  c            )              and all I got was this 
            \_   _ -------'               damn retrovirus."
             |  /         \
             | |  \_______)               Len...
             |  \______)
             |_____  |
            /         \         

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