Disappearing His-tagged proteins

James Bassuk bassuk at u.washington.edu
Thu Mar 26 00:39:48 EST 1998

very strange indeed.  what size column? what is buffer? what is pI of
His-protein? what is pH of buffer?  what is amount of protein loaded?

Jim Bassuk
U Washington

On 6 Mar 1998, Rob wrote:

> Hi
> Has anyone experienced his-tagged proteins apparently 'disappearing' on
> FPLC gel filtration columns (eg Superose 6 or 12 columns). I assume they're
> coming out of solution, but it's happened now for the last 2 his-tagged
> proteins I've tried to purify but doesn't happen for the GST-tagged
> equivalents.... Very strange!
> Thanks in advance
> Rob

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