? Factor Xa digestion ?

Jongrak Kittiworakarn g3937506 at STUDENT1.MAHIDOL.AC.TH
Mon Mar 23 21:02:38 EST 1998

Dear all:

Anyone have infomation about factor Xa digestion in the present of
denaturing agent,such as urea, guanidine HCl?
Thank in advance for your kindly reply.


-----------------------------------Mr. Jongrak Kittiworakarn
                                   g3937506 at student.mahidol.ac.th

     Inst. of Science and Technology for Research and Development
     Mahidol University (Salaya Campus)
     Salaya, Nokornprathom, THAILAND.
     Tel. 001-66-2-441-9003-7 ext.1277,1278,1279
     Fax. 001-66-2-441-9906, 001-66-2-441-1013

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