Help....GST folding

Jongrak Kittiworakarn g3937506 at STUDENT2.MAHIDOL.AC.TH
Mon Mar 23 20:57:33 EST 1998

Dear all

I have expressed my peptide with fusion to Schistosoma japonicum GST to
its N-terminal.
The protein was in insoluble fraction.   I have tried to use lower
temperature for the expression.  Now,I try to refold it,so far it is
unsuccessful.  I tried unfolding the  protein in 6M guanidine HCl, then
stepwise dialysis from 6M guanidine HCl to 4,2,1,0.5 and 0 M guanidine
HCl respectively.  4-6 hr after dialysis against 0M guanidine HCl, I can

observed some aggration.  All processes were done at 4-6 'C.

Anyone have suggestion  in refolding of GST fusion protein. I do not use

detergent ,because I may interfere my experiment.  Any suggestions and
comments are welcome.


-----------------------------------Mr. Jongrak Kittiworakarn
                                   g3937506 at student.mahidol.ac.th

     Inst. of Science and Technology for Research and Development
     Mahidol University (Salaya Campus)
     Salaya, Nokornprathom, THAILAND.
     Tel. 001-66-2-441-9003-7 ext.1277,1278,1279
     Fax. 001-66-2-441-9906, 001-66-2-441-1013

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