Labeling Proteins and Amino Acids with NBD

Phil Calvert calvert at eos.ncsu.edu
Mon Mar 23 01:21:19 EST 1998

I am planning to label some amino acids with NBD-F
(4-fluoro-7-nitrobenzofurazan).  In some papers I've read, these
derivatives are stated to be very stable.  In other papers, they are said
to be stable for up to two days when stored in the dark in a refrigerator. 
Does anyone know what the best storage conditions are?  Although this is
just a guess, I would think that evaporating the samples to dryness under
nitrogen (or with a SpeedVac), and then storing them in a freezer, would
increase their storage life.  Of course, this assumes that they are more
stable when dry, which may not be the case.  Anyone know what conditions
are most favorable for the preservation/storage of NBD-labeled amino acids?

Phil Calvert


!-----------Phil Calvert-----------!
!---calvert.NoSpam at eos.ncsu.edu----!
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