Thomas Seib hgtsei at med-rz.uni-sb.de
Fri Mar 13 10:04:16 EST 1998

In article <v03102800b12d5a96b1e5@[]>, walkerc at CLEMSON.EDU
("Caroline J. Walker") wrote:

> We are buying an FPLC and are comparing the Biorad Biologic system with the
> Pharmacia FPLC system.  There are some small differences on the specs and
> the prices are about the same so we could use either. What I would like to
> hear is if anyone has feedback on how easy either of these systems is to
> use.  Is the Pharmacia software (OS/2) OK, or is the Windows 95 with the
> Biorad better?  How are the leaks? Design faults?? Reliability? Service?
>         Would be happy to hear any comments.
> Thanks,
> Caroline

We had to make the same decision and finally bought the Pharmacia
FPLC system. The main reason was in my hands, that the BioRad pump
was very sensible to air bubbles trapped, just like a HPLC
system, resulting in strong pulsation of the UV monitor baseline.
Hence, you have to degas buffer solutions very thoroughly
before use. This may be feasible, but sometimes it is of advantage
to apply a large-volume sample via the pump, and then it is very
problematic to degas because of possible denaturation of the proteins.
I also found it very cumbersome to remove air bubbles from the pump
once they were trapped.
With the Pharmacia system, air bubbles are no problem at all. I never
degas any solution. It works very reliable.
The only disadvantage is the computer software running under OS/2,
which is a dying platform and of no use for other purposes. However,
Windows3.1 is also installed and most programs run without problems.
 I hope this helps.


Thomas Seib
Kantstr. 12
66292 Riegelsberg

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