C-terminal protein sequencing

kevin.bailey at nottingham.ac.uk kevin.bailey at nottingham.ac.uk
Thu Mar 12 07:17:02 EST 1998

In article
<c=GB%a=_%p=Axis_Genetics_pl%l=POST-OFFICE-980311102512Z-265 at axisgen.demon.co.uk>,
KH at axisgenetics.co.uk (Koen Hellendoorn) wrote:

> Hello,
> Can anyone tell me if there is any institute or company (preferably in
> the UK/ other Europe) that can do C-terminal sequencing of proteins? 
> Thanks,
> Koen

		At one time Hewlett Packard were acting as intermediaries and taking
C-term samples to demonstrate their sequencer, not sure if this is still
the case though. Try contacting HP UK. At one time there was a service at
the University of Michigan, again not clear if this still runs.

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