Dimer and TM7

Cornelius Krasel krasel at wpxx02.toxi.uni-wuerzburg.de
Thu Jan 22 05:55:06 EST 1998

Christophe GUENIN <christophe.guenin at hol.fr> wrote:
> I have a dimerisation of receptor-G protein ( 7TM-7TM and 7TM-6TM).
> Does anybody know the phenomenon ?

There have been a few publications recently on the dimerisation of G-protein-
coupled receptors. For example (sorry for the BibTeX format):

        author  = {Terence E. Hebert and Serge Moffett and Jean-Pierre
                Morello and Thomas P. Loisel and Daniel G. Bichet and
                C{\'e}cile Barret and Michel Bouvier},
        title   = {A Peptide Derived from a $\beta_2$-Adrenergic Receptor
                Transmembrane Domain Inhibits Both Receptor Dimerization
                and Activation.},
        journal = JBC,
        volume  = 271,
        number  = 27,
        pages   = {16384--16392},
        year    = 1996

        author  = {Roberto Maggio and Pascaline Barbier and Francesco Fornai
                and Giovanni U. Corsini},
        title   = {Functional Role of the Third Cytoplasmic Loop in
                Muscarinic Receptor Dimerization.},
        journal = JBC,
        volume  = 271,
        number  = 49,
        pages   = {31055--31060},
        year    = 1996

        author  = {Gordon Y. K. Ng and Brian F. O'Dowd and Samuel P. Lee
                and Hans T. Chung and Mark R. Brann and Philip Seeman
                and Susan R. George},
        title   = {Dopamine {D2} Receptor Dimers and Receptor-Blocking
        journal = BBRC,
        volume  = 227,
        number  = 1,
        pages   = {200--204},
        year    = 1996

        author  = {Svetlana Cvejic and Lakshmi A. Devi},
        title   = {Dimerization of the $\delta$ Opioid Receptor. {I}mplication
                for a role in receptor internalization.},
        journal = JBC,
        volume  = 272,
        number  = 43,
        pages   = {26969-26964},
        year    = 1997

        author  = {Esther A. Nimchinsky and Patrick R. Hof and William G. M.
                Janssen and John H. Morrison and Claudia Schmauss},
        title   = {Expression of Dopamine {D}$_3$ Receptor Dimers and
                Tetramers in Brain and in Transfected Cells.},
        journal = JBC,
        volume  = 272,
        number  = 46,
        pages   = {29299--29237},
        year    = 1997

Hope that helps,

/* Cornelius Krasel, U Wuerzburg, Dept. of Pharmacology, Versbacher Str. 9 */
/* D-97078 Wuerzburg, Germany   email: phak004 at rzbox.uni-wuerzburg.de  SP4 */
/* "Science is the game we play with God to find out what His rules are."  */

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