Drawings of proteins

alex emil kentsis aekentsi at midway.uchicago.edu
Sun Feb 1 09:47:13 EST 1998

look at the cath database. it's in uk and you can find it from a search
for "cath and structural".

Jens G. Litske Petersen (jglp at novo.dk) wrote:
: Dear colleagues:

: Is someone able to give me the address of a Web site with a collection
: of drawings of well-known proteins (lysozyme etc.)? The figures are to
: be used as slides in a lecture, and should be rather simple showing eg.
: amino acid sequence, disulfide bonds, site of N-glycosylation etc. (the
: kind one often sees in text books).

: Yours,

: Jens G. Litske Petersen
: Novo Nordisk A/S
: DK-2820 Gentofte
: Denmark

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