Techniques for Characterization of Complex Carbohydrates
Four courses will be offered in 1998 at the Complex Carbohydrate Research
Center (CCRC) of the University of Georgia:
1. Separation and Characterization of Glycoprotein Oligosaccharides (June 1-5),
2. Structural Analysis of Oligosaccharides (June 8-12),
3. Mass Spectrometry and MS/MS Analysis of Glycoconjugates (June 15-19),
4 NMR of Carbohydrates (July 22-26).
Courses will consist of hands-on laboratory work, demonstrations and
lectures; lab manual including selected analytical techniques and
references will be provided. More details can be seen at the CCRC web
site at For further
information and application form contact Dr. Roberta K. Merkle, CCRC, 220
Riverbend Road, The University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602-4712.
Phone: 706-542-4402. FAX: 706-542-4412. E-mail: rmerkle at