transmembrane domains

Pierre Hubert hubert at neurochem.u-strasbg.fr
Wed Apr 1 02:01:54 EST 1998

Simon Hoffenberg wrote:
> If there is more than 1 transmembrane domain in a protein, what are the
> combinations? For example, 7 domains in receptors coupled to G-proteins or
> 12 in adenylate cyclase. Is it possible to have 2 or 8-9 domains? If these
> numbers are not allowed by Mother Nature, does it mean that these proteins
> are in fact 1 and 7 transmembrane domain proteins, respectively?

	Have a look at Arkin, I. T., A. T. Brunger, & Engelman D.M. (1997).
“Are there dominant membrane protein families with a given number of
helices?” Protein Struct Funct Genet 28(4): 465-466.
	They have scanned four complete genome sequences for putative
transmembrane helices.
It looks like anything goes between 1 and 19 TM domains, with no obvious
domination of a particular family of membrane proteins with a given
number of helices.


Pierre Hubert
INSERM U. 338  -  5 rue Blaise Pascal
67084 Strasbourg Cedex - France
tel (33) 03 88 45 67 20  /  fax (33) 03 88 60 08 06
        hubert at neurochem.u-strasbg.fr

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