silver staining question

Keld Sorensen KeldS at uic.edu
Mon Sep 29 09:26:18 EST 1997

It has been published (I don't have the ref handy) that silver stain
AFTER Coomassie is more sensitive than silver stain with no

>      Dima Klenchin wrote:
> Well, I have found that Coomasie G250, when used properly, is capable of
> detecting at least 20 ng (some claim 10 ng), while silver that I use is
> definitely about 10-fols more sensitive (I don't care what red cookbook says).
> I use home-made version of Bio-Rad's "Siver stain plus" protocol (if I remeber
> correctly the name; they give ref. that I used).
> I'd be very surprised if anyone resorted to silver to detect 50 ng of protein
> on standard mini gel.
> - Dima

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