Anti-His tag antibodies

Klaus Lehnert mmm_klehnert at mednov1.auckland.ac.nz
Sun Sep 28 20:16:49 EST 1997

In article ,  says...
>Has anyone out there had any success using anti-His tag 
antibodies for western blots?

I'm just testing a sample from Boehringer Mannheim (anti-His6, 
mouse IgG1). It looks perfect in my Western Blots, doesn't 
interfere with my blocking solutions (BSA, Tween or NF milk 
based) and comes also conjugated  with HRPO. Did so far detect 
C-terminally 6-His tagged proteins with 4 different flanking 
sequences. Didn't test N-terminally tagged proteins, but the 
BM's say it sees them as well. Don't know whether they are in 
the catalogue yet, but check themon the web or ring your rep.


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