Delipidation of protein solutions

Pete immuno-affinity at rocketmail.com
Fri Sep 26 03:45:48 EST 1997

"Achim Recktenwal, Ph.D." <reckteac at ibex.ca> wrote:

>I am looking for methods to delipidate protein solutions, or protein &
>cell-suspensions after cell-disruption. These methods should be scalable
>for use in a large-scale protein purification process.
We used to have problems with lipaemic serum samples in an RIA we were
running at the time. We used two methods to remove the lipid, the
first was extraction with a solvent called "Arklone P", I think it was
a CFC - and hence not really appropriate today but something like
n-hexane should do the trick. The second method, which I have used
since, was about 1% w/v of aerosil, a fumed silica. It has an enormous
surface area and pulls down all of the lipid in the pellet. Of course
it may also pull out your protein too.

Good luck.


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