dear colleagues,
We have purified a cystatin inhibitor and sequenced it by Edman degradation.
This sequence (about 110 residues) contains many amino acid doublets for
GG, AA, YY, VV, MM, PP...
I would like to know if the presence of such doublets has a special meaning
due to e.g some genetic events?? or if it's a normal and common feature in
Thanks in advance for any comments!!
Thierry Moreau
| Dr. Thierry MOREAU |
| Laboratoire d'Enzymologie et Chimie des Proteines |
| CNRS EP 117 Phone: (33) 02 47 36 61 77 |
| 2bis, Bd Tonnelle Fax: (33) 02 47 36 60 46 |
| 37032 TOURS cedex FRANCE Email: moreaut at |
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