Extinction Coefficients

Jay Miller jhmiller at helix.nih.gov
Mon Sep 22 08:02:48 EST 1997

It just so happens I needed them recently, also.  For 1% and OD280:  BSA is 6.67; for
lysozyme it is 26.4.  I don't know where I got them, but the latter is in the Worthington
Manual.  As an added bonus, the E for G3PDH is 10.2.

In <01bcc6a7$aecadde0$2f748bce at takahiro>, "Monica Marie Arroyo" <arroyo1 at mint.net> writes:
>Could someone please tell me what are the extinction coefficients for BSA
>and lysozyme or where could I get them? I would really appreciate it as I
>need these values for this Wednesday.
>Thanks so much!
>arroyo1 at mint.net

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