BLAST suggestions

Mathias Holpert s88891 at stud-mail.uni-wuerzburg.de
Fri Sep 19 08:10:57 EST 1997

On Mon, 15 Sep 1997 08:11:46 -0700, Olin Anderson
<oandersn at pw.usda.gov> wrote:

>Does anyone know of a clear reference on how to interpret
>BLAST scores.  I have the online manuals describing the
>program, but I am really looking suggestions on exactly
>what the scores mean; i.e., what is a normal threshold
>for a match, etc.

There is a book out there which I could recommend on that topic. It´s
about the use of the internet in biology, giving information about
lots of search engines and databases- with lots of examples. 
I don´t know the date it was published, but the rest is:
´Internet Tools for the New Biology´, Leonard F. Peruski Jr., ASM
Press, 199? (should be ´96 or ´97- most probably ´97).

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