Protamine expression in E. coli or Baculovirus?

gcr gcr at liv.ac.uk
Wed Sep 17 07:52:55 EST 1997

Dear all,

Has anyone any (even the slightest) experience in expression of a cloned 
protamine gene (mine derived from salmon) into an E. coli or Baculovirus 
At the moment we are unsuccesful in its expression and think it is a 'toxic' 
peptide in the E. coli strains used. (pET 21a vector, BL21(DE3) and 
BL21(DE3)pLysS E. coli strains). Also when using the Bac-to-Bac baculovirus 
kit from Gibco-BRL, the recombinant bacmid does not appear to remain stable at 
the E. coli stage and wild type revertants are very hard to avoid, which 
subsequently, after transfection into Sf9 cells, are overproduced in the 
viral stock. 

Any tips please ???



Gert Roosen
PhD. Student
Royal Liverpool University Hospital
Duncan Building
Prescot Street L69 3BX Liverpool, UK.
+ 44 (0)151 706 4326 (tel)
+ 44 (0)151 706 4311 (fax)
gcr at liv.ac.uk (email)

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