Mara Michelle Casar wrote:
>> I am trying to get some information about producting antibodies to GST
> fusion proteins. I have two proteins I want to send off for
> immunizations, but I need advice first:
>> 1. To cleave or not to cleave? My fused piece is about 9 kD, and seems
> pretty stable, but is it better to send the whole protein, which should
> be more immunogenic?
>> 2. Any recommendations on companies? My lab has used Cocalico before, but
> I'm open to suggestions.
>> If you have done this, please send me your thoughts on the matter... I
> have heard lots of conflicting things from many people!
>> Thanks in advance,
> Mara Casar
I don't know how relevant this may be to you but there are anti-GST
antibodies available which may serve your purpose (I think Pharmacia
sells them but please don't consider this a plug). If you want an
antibody that uses part of your fusion peptide as an epitope, then
you'd certaintly want to cleave.