High MW protein resolution

bipin k. dalmia dalmiabk at phibred.com
Mon Sep 8 12:36:53 EST 1997

On 7 Sep 1997 13:09:48 GMT, remeans at fas.harvard.edu (Robert Means)

>	Can anybody give me a pointer to a method for looking at very
>small shifts, say 2Kd in mobility in >100Kd proteins? I have tried running
>long, low percentage gels, but this doesn't seem to be enough. Thanks,
>Bob Means
>REMeans at fas.harvard.edu

i assume you are trying SDS-PAGE. how about IEF gels? the 2 kDa change
may change the pI enough to allow resolution. or if you have purified
protein, try SDS-PAGE of some kind of a partial digest of the protein
and look for difference in banding patterns. then there always is


Bipin K. Dalmia, Ph.D.
Protein Expression and Purification
Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc.
Johnston, Iowa 50131

dalmiabk at phibred.com

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