Concentrating Membrane Proteins

pedro jose portugal zanotta zanotta at GUARANY.CPD.UNB.BR
Tue Sep 2 10:03:12 EST 1997

On 1 Sep 1997, RSjolund wrote:

> I've got a 32 kDa protein from a plant cell plasma membrane.  It is
> extracted well in a medium containing CHAPS, but if I precipitate it with
> ammonium sulphate (40% saturation) if does NOT go back into solution.
> What are some good techniques for concentrating the protein (prior to 2D
> gels).  The goal is to sequence the protein.  
> Dick Sjolund
> Biological Sciences
> Univ. of Iowa
> r-sjolund at uiowa.edu
you can try TCA precipitation plus washing the pellet with cold (-20) 
aceton. In order to ressuspend it put some non-ionic detergent in the 
Hope this helps!

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