dear readers,
I would like to setup a one-day practical session related to allosteric
enzyme kinetics for bachelor's degree students. The enzyme they were
studying up to now was rabbit phosphorylase b but I am not satisfied with
the assay. Then I am looking for another allosteric enzyme to study,
preferentially commercially available and assayed with a photometric procedure.
I was thinking to phosphofructokinase or ATC (Aspartate Trans Carbamylase) but
I have no idea if this system is appropriate.
Any ideas or a detailed protocol are welcomed.
Thank you very much in advance for your assistance.
Thierry Moreau
| Dr. Thierry MOREAU |
| Laboratoire d'Enzymologie et Chimie des Proteines |
| CNRS EP 117 Phone: (33) 02 47 36 61 77 |
| 2bis, Bd Tonnelle Fax: (33) 02 47 36 60 46 |
| 37032 TOURS cedex FRANCE Email: moreaut at |
| |
| Please visit PROLYSIS at: |