Going from pH 7.4 to 2.5 will slightly unfold BSA. We just looked at S (sub 20,w) and
it went from 4.34 to 3.04.
In <Pine.SGI.3.94.971116113036.27097A-100000 at leonardo.ls.huji.ac.il>, yoramg2 at LEONARDO.LS.HUJI.AC.IL (Yoram Gerchman) writes:
>Greetings to all.
>Dose anyone know of an effect of pH on BSA structure/function?
>Yoram Gerchman
>Division of Microbial & Molecular Ecology
>The Institute of Life Sciences
>Hebrew University of Jerusalem
>Givat Ram, Jerusalem 91904, Israel
>Tel: 972-2-6585175