D. Vadnais wrote:
> I am going to use IEF slab gels from Bio-Rad to separate invertase
> isozymes from alfalfa. I have never done this procedure before, and I am
> not really sure of the protocol. I have only the protocols that are used
> for 2D gel electrophoresis using the capillary tubes. I need to know
> what buffers I should be using to run these gels, and what type of
> loading buffer I require for my samples.
> Thanks in advance for any information you can give me.
> Dave
I use the BioRad IEF precast gels which have well in my hands. The cathode
buffer is 20 mM lysine, 20 mM arginine. The anode buffer is 7 mM phosphoric
acid. Running conditions are 100 V for 1 hr, 250 V for 1 hr and 500 V for 30
Hope this helps.