EDTA in lysis buffer?

Michael J. Morales mmorales at acpub.duke.edu
Wed Nov 5 12:06:22 EST 1997

user at mpi.com wrote:

> I've been playing around with conditions for lysis of
> mammalian cells
> lately (for subsequent IP or western analysis), and I'm
> wondering about
> the advantages and disadvantages of including EDTA.  Many
> people do; many
> others don't.  I've heard some stories of protein
> interactions breaking up
> as a result of the chelating properties of EDTA, which I
> suppose could be
> a potential disadvantage if studying specific
> interactions.  What are the
> advantages?  Inhibition of enzymatic activities (like
> proteases)?
> Cleaning up non-specific interactions?  Any other
> thoughts?
> -HS

Addition of EDTA inhibits metaloproteases, so is usually
However, in some cases, such as downstream use of an
metal column, EDTA must be avoided.

Hope this helps

Mike Morales

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