PSC Crystallography Workshop

Marcela Madrid mm6n+ at andrew.cmu.edu
Thu Mar 27 10:21:52 EST 1997

The Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center is offering a workshop on
"Computational Macromolecular Crystallography", June 25-28, 1997.

The workshop will provide hands-on lectures and tutorials for
the programs PHASES and X-PLOR(online). Some of the recent features of
X-PLOR(online) will be discussed, including probabilistic MAD phasing
and torsion-angle molecular dynamics.

The theory and practical considerations of isomorphous replacement
will be described. Several sample data sets with worked examples will be
provided, including a MAD data set.

Maximum likelihood structure refinement will be approached through a
discussion of the basic theory, a description of the implementation within
X-PLOR, and hands-on exercises.

Workshop instructors will be: 
Prof. Axel Brunger, Yale University
Prof. Randy Read, University of Alberta
Prof. William F. Furey, University of Pittsburgh

In addition to the exercises provided, participants are also encouraged
to bring their own data, if available, to work on and discuss with the

For more information about this workshop, including financial information,
please check the URL


To apply for the workshop, please submit the following application materials:

                          BIOMEDICAL INITIATIVE
       Computational Macromolecular Crystallography Application Form

Name:         _______________________________________________________________

Affiliation:   ______________________________________________________________

Address:       ______________________________________________________________


Telephone:  ____________________________         ____________________________
                   (Business)                                (Home)

*Social Security Number:  _______-_____-_______ 


Electronic Mail Address:_____________________________________________________

Status: ___Graduate  ___Post-doctoral Fellow  ___Faculty  ___Other (specify)

Please indicate specifically any special housing, transportation or dietary
arrangements you will need: 


How did you learn about this workshop:_______________________________________



Applicants must submit a completed application form and a cover letter. The
letter should describe, in one or two paragraphs, your current research, and
how participating in the workshop will enhance this research. Please
include a brief statement describing your level of experience with
computers. Faculty members, staff and post-docs should provide a
curriculum vitae. Graduate students must have a letter of recommendation
from a faculty member.

Please return all application materials by May 14, 1997 to:

     Biomedical Workshop Applications Committee
     Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
     4400 Fifth Avenue, Suite 230C
     Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Direct inquiries to: Nancy Blankenstein biomed at psc.edu, or (412)268-4960.

*Disclosure of Social Security Number is voluntary.

PSC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age,
creed, national or ethnic origin, or handicap. 


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