Re. Sensitive Protein Stains

Dr Ron Croy r.r.d.croy at durham.ac.uk
Mon Mar 24 05:11:52 EST 1997

We need to use a sensitive protein stain to detect protein spots on 2D
gels with the intention of sequencing these from PVDF blots (automated
ABI 477A).  Coomassie blue stains are out because they tend to interfere
with the sequencing and clog up the reaction vessel.  Silver staining
methods are out due to the protein modification.  We have tried a small
sample of a stain called BT blu (originally from BT Scientific
Technologies, Carlsbad, Ca) with promising results but cannot contact
this company for further supplies (it has been suggested we contact
Zolon or Zolan Research for a stain called 'Fast Stain').  Any comments
and further contacts would be appreciated.



Dr Ron Croy,                        Tel.  +44-91-374-2433
Plant Molecular Biology Group,        FAX   +44-91-374-2417
Department of Biological Sciences,    E-mail r.r.d.croy at durham.ac.uk
University of Durham, South Road,


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