Karl Fischer tyr-2 at bones.biochem.ualberta.ca
Sat Mar 22 12:58:51 EST 1997

In article <5gv4f2$9rp$1 at cnn.ksu.ksu.edu>, scotbean at ksu.ksu.edu (Scott
Bean) wrote:

> I'm looking for references dealing with the CMC of SDS and the effects that 
> buffer salts might have on the CMC.  Can anyone give some ref's to start with?
> Is there any general rules concerning the CMC of detergents and ionic
> of a buffer? (e.g Does the CMC always decrease if you increase ionic

Hi Scott,

There is a table on page 689 of "Antibodies: a laboratory manual" which
has properties of many commonly used detergents including SDS. The CMC
that is listed for SDS is 0.24 grams/100ml and the micelle molecular
weight is 18,000. Hope this gives you a starting point for your quest.


Karl the hepB guy

Karl Fischer
tyr-2 at bones.biochem.ualberta.ca

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